Adding the map Leaflet component to an Angular application

Rodrigo Kamada
3 min readAug 27, 2021



Angular is a development platform for building WEB, mobile and desktop applications using HTML, CSS and TypeScript (JavaScript). Currently, Angular is at version 15 and Google is the main maintainer of the project.

leaflet is an interactive maps component library that supports mobile devices.


Before you start, you need to install and configure the tools:

Getting started

Create and configure the account on the Mapbox

1. Let’s create the account. Access the site and click on the button Sign up.

Mapbox - Home page

2. Fill in the fields Username, Email, Password, First name, Last name, click on the checkbox I agree to the Mapbox Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. and click on the button Get started.

Mapbox - Sign up

3. Check the registered email.

Mapbox - Check email

4. Click on the link in the email sent.

Mapbox - Confirm email

5. Copy the token displayed in the Dashboard menu and, in my case, the token was displayed pk.eyJ1IjoiYnJhc2thbSIsImEiOiJja3NqcXBzbWoyZ3ZvMm5ybzA4N2dzaDR6In0.RUAYJFnNgOnnZAw because this token will be configured in the Angular application.

Mapbox - Dashboard

6. Ready! Account created and token generated.

Create the Angular application

1. Let’s create the application with the Angular base structure using the @angular/cli with the route file and the SCSS style format.

2. Install and configure the Bootstrap CSS framework. Do steps 2 and 3 of the post Adding the Bootstrap CSS framework to an Angular application.

3. Configure the Mapbox token in the src/environments/environment.ts and src/environments/ files as below.

4. Create the src/assets/images folder and copy the marker-icon.png and marker-shadow.png files.

Marker Icon
Marker Shadow

5. Install the leaflet and @types/leaflet libraries.

6. Configure the leaflet library. Change the angular.json file and add the leaflet.css file as below.

7. Remove the contents of the AppComponent class from the src/app/app.component.ts file. Import the leaflet service and create the getCurrentPosition, loadMap methods as below.

8. Remove the contents of the src/app/app.component.html file. Add the map div tag as below.

9. Add the style in the src/app/app.component.scss file as below.

10. Run the application with the command below.

11. Ready! Access the URL http://localhost:4200/ and check if the application is working. See the application working on GitHub Pages and Stackblitz.

Angular Leaflet

The application repository is available at

This tutorial was posted on my blog in Portuguese.



Rodrigo Kamada
Rodrigo Kamada

Written by Rodrigo Kamada

👨‍💻 Software Developer | ✍️ Technical Content Creator | 🤝 Open Source Contributor | 🎙️ Speaker | 👨‍🏫 Mentor | 🙌 Ambassador | ☁️ AWS Community Builder

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